Will Time Ever Truly Heal the Hurt?

It can be difficult to imagine the day the hurt will finally go away but time truly is an amazing healer. 

Generally the more positive experiences we have that come between us and a tragic event in our lives then the closer we come to healing from those painful memories. The passing of time dims the past and steals the hurt away. This ability of distance to diminish hurt could be because the new memories that we acquire slowly and steadily become clearer within our mind than our older memories. It may also be that our older memories no longer are as relevant to our lives as our newer experiences and so the older recollections fade in importance. Whatever the reasoning is it is very reassuring to know that for the majority of individuals time really is able to heal the emotional pain.

Healing will definitely be easier and take less time for those individuals with a strong sense of optimism and a healthy outlook on life and the future. Those individuals having a large and supportive network of family and friends to help and encourage the recovery process will also be more likely to have a faster healing process.

Having a good social support network will help to enable discussion and rationalization of the hurtful issues. These can help a person focus on the things that truly matter today. Whether the hurt is from abuse, a lost love, or of a disappointment the pain does get better. We may never forget but we can move forward till the heartache is no longer an all consuming force within us. 

The painful memories need to lessen in importance and although this can seem a difficult task to accomplish, it is important to allow those memories to fall into the distant past. It is today and the enjoyments that the present has to offer us are of greater value now. We learn to accept our memories as simply being an aspect of our past. They remain a part of our history but they gain a softer orb surrounding them. They evolve to become a more positive image to look at. So long as a person does not spend the majority of their time dwelling on a past traumatic event then emotional healing should occur and time will eventually heal the scars incurred. How much time is required for the healing process will depend on the resilience of the individual involved and the degree of trauma that they have withstood.

Understanding Trauma Can Help You Recover From it

New experiences will begin to dim the hurtful memories. As time passes the individual will begin to once again focus on the many small enjoyments we experience on a daily basis.

The enjoyment received from a first cup of
coffee in the morning, the taste sensation of a well prepared meal, a conversation with a loved one, or simply the wonderful feeling of the warm sunshine when out for a walk are vital to our emotional well being. All of these simple pleasures can bandage over a hurtful past.

These new experiences create soothing memories within the mind. The new memories blanket the older ones till a protective layer of happier thoughts covers over the hurt. The more time and positive experiences that pass by then the further we distance away from the past to move into an association with present day activities. Time truly does heal most wounds. We just have to help it along a little.

Emotionally it can seem like the hurt will last forever but don't listen to that little voice, be assured that the pain can be healed. Talk about the past with those that you trust and attempt to understand the events that occurred, but please don’t dwell there. Pull yourself out of that area and get on with the many tiny processes of life and living that you are meant to experience and enjoy. If you are not able to do this on your own please seek help from your family doctor or other local medical professional.

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